While having a review call with the Sales Manager of a Fortune 100 client this week, I was humbled by his overall feedback of how Dunlap Marketing is moving the needle forward for his team.
The main reason for our call was to review recent appointments that Dunlap Marketing had produced for the sales team. After reviewing the sequence of events on a particular prospect, the Sales Manager told me how happy his team was with Dunlap Marketing. I thanked him and then asked why the team felt this way.
He went on to share with me that the teleprospecting services Dunlap Marketing has provided them over the last 8 years has been top notch. He reminded me that we are not perfect, but we are great. My ears were burning, I had to know more, so I asked him to explain. Here’s a summary of what he said:
- 1st – Your quality control process is gutsy, but you seem to filter out events that are probably not yet ready for the sales team to go after – this keeps from wasting the time of my team
- 2nd – You stand behind your services and you are always available to brainstorm and discuss challenging situations
- 3rd – You know how to identify the best type of companies that need our services
- 4th – Your team understands what we do and is therefore better at properly qualifying opportunities prior to scheduling meetings
- 5th – We receive close to real time delivery and your team provides a detailed explanation of the reason for the meeting
- 6th – Prospects almost always accept our calendar invitations and they attend the scheduled meeting
- 7th (and possibly my favorite) – There have been plenty of times that you have scheduled an appointment with companies that we have been struggling to get into, this leading to a quote from one of his sales team members:
“…….after your team set meetings with both companies, I was able to close them. Both are now platinum accounts. I had been following up with these companies but was unable to get an appointment. I am sharing this because I want Dunlap Marketing to get proper credit.”
Regional Sales Manager, 8-year-client
My take away from the conversation – telephone based cold calling is still effective and complements other methods of advertising. It stands unique because it is a human-to-human conversation and it often penetrates a segment of prospects that do not always participate in other mediums.
For more information on ways to get your own prospecting campaign up and running, read THIS article, 7 Steps to Implementing a Smart Calling Program.
Contact Mike Dunlap, mdunlap@dunlapmarketing.agency, with questions and inquiries.