Client Overview – This banker has been a customer of Dunlap Marketing for 4 ½ years and has received approximately 400 appointments with Houston businesses. Target annualized revenues for these businesses ranged from $1M to $10M.
What is the most significant way you bring new business customers into the bank?
“By far and away a major contributor is with Dunlap Marketing appointments. Understand that there are numerous ways that I bring in new customers, but one of the most important is Dunlap Marketing because we are able to control the size and type of company that we are most interested in. The meetings you set up are almost always with companies that have banking needs that best match the services that my bank excels in providing.”
After all the years you have used Dunlap Marketing services, how do you justify the continued cost of our services?
“Good question as I have to regularly justify the expense. The nice thing is the program is self-funding. What I mean is that the profit we generate from Dunlap Marketing generated clients easily pays for many months of future appointments. Fee income from a single $1M deal will pay for a year of Dunlap Marketing services.”
Can you give me an example of how a single new client will pay for a year of our appointments?
“On a funded loan of $1M, the bank fee is about 1 point. This income will pay for almost 90 additional appointments from Dunlap Marketing. This does not even factor in the income we will earn on other services that I will provide to the client; for example deposits.”
On average, what type of success do you have with the actual meetings that you attend resulting from Dunlap Marketing appointments?
“Every banker approaches this question differently. Historically, for me, I try to quickly assess whether there is a fit between the company and my bank. If there isn’t, I’m not going to pursue a loan packet, even if the company is interested in us. I see no reason to waste their time or my time. I probably lose 20% of my meetings because of this. However, if I feel the company has an approvable request, I will go after them aggressively. These represent about 25% of my Dunlap Marketing meetings.”
Of the 25% that you go after, what type of success do you have with them?
“Almost 100% of them will actually submit a loan package and almost every one will be approved by the bank. Of all the approved loans, I will actually fund 80% of them. This goes back to being selective during early stage conversations with the companies I meet with.”
On a day-to-day basis, what do you like most about your relationship with Dunlap Marketing?
“Flexibility……..our bank is able to select specific type and size of businesses to call, we are able to have you shift from one branch to another within a moments notice, and we are able to adjust the flow of appointments on a weekly basis.”