Surprising Thoughts on Telephonophobia (from a Call Center)

If you’ve opened up LinkedIn in the past few days, you’ve probably seen posts going around about a recent Wall Street Journal article called “The Workers Who Do Everything on Their Phones—Except Answer Calls”. In a nutshell, this particular piece has thousands of professionals chiming in with their two cents and personal experiences with Telephonophobia, the fear of making or taking phone calls.

As you can guess, Dunlap Marketing has a few thoughts on Telephonophobia. Our perspective is backed with nearly three decades of experience making business-to-business lead generation and appointment setting calls on behalf of clients across the country and world.

With that being said, our ultimate opinion might be one you might not expect to hear from us – but hey, we like to keep you on your toes!

Drum roll, please

At Dunlap Marketing, we believe that phone calls are one of multiple touch points that can and should be used when prospecting, nurturing, and selling. Yep, we don’t believe phone calls are the end all be all, but we do believe they are highly effective (plus cost effective). To quote us in a past article, “The Benefit of Utilizing Multiple Lead Generation Approaches“, from 2018:

“Utilizing multiple resources will help maximize your results. Telemarketing, social media marketing, search engine optimization, email marketing, direct mail, and content marketing are all examples of lead generation techniques. When used together, various modes of lead generation complement each other.”

And there you have it – a surprising take on Telephonophobia.

For more on utilizing telemarketing to complement your marketing and sales strategies, reach out to Mike Dunlap at – or if you dare, pick up the phone and call 281.833.3000 x140.